/ Articles
(версия для печати)

А.А. Шалыто. Наши публикации про булевы функции, формулы, логические схемы, арифметические полиномы, автоматы и программные реализации на английском языке (PDF)

Radomir S. Stankovic, Jaakko T. Astola, Anatoly A. Shalyto & Alexander V. Strukov (eds.). Reprints from the Early Days of Information Sciences: Early Work in Switching Theory and Logic Design in USSR. Tampere International Center for Signal Processing, Tampere, 2016. (PDF)

Why Design Programs: Anatoliy Shalyto on Automata-Based Programming (external link: news.ifmo.ru)

Foundation for Open Project Documentation New Initiative in Programming - Foundation for Open Project Documentation (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Technology of automata-based programming Technology of Automata-Based Programming (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Shalyto A.A., Naumov L.A. Automata Theory for Multi-Agent Systems Implementation //Proceedings of Internatinal Conference "Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling, Exploration and Engineering".(KIMAS-03). Boston: IEEE Boston Section. 2003, p.65-70. (PDF)

Methods of Object-Oriented Reactive Agents Implementation on the Basis of Finite Automata (KIMAS 2005) (PDF)

Automata-Based Programming of the Reactive Multi-Agent Control Systems (KIMAS 2005) (PDF)

Shalyto A. Automata-Based Programming and Automata-Based Control (PDF)

Evolutionary algorithms Afanasyeva A., Buzdalov M. Choosing Best Fitness Function with Reinforcement Learning / Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2011, Honolulu, HI, USA, 18-21 December 2011. IEEE Computer Society, 2011. Vol. 2. P. 354–357. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Sokolov A. Evolving EFSMs Solving a Path-Planning Problem by Genetic Programming / Proceedings of the 2012 GECCO Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. NY.: ACM. 2012, pp. 591 – 594. (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. Adaptive Selection of Helper-Objectives for Test Case Generation // Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation. - Washington: IEEE Computer Society, 2013. - P. 2245-2250. - ISBN 978-1-4799-0454-9. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Tsarev F. An Evolutionary Approach to Hard Test Case Generation for Shortest Common Superstring Problem // In Proceedings of 1st BRICS Countries Congress on Computation Intelligence, 2013. (PDF)

Petrova I., Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. Improved Helper-Objective Optimization Strategy for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem / Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2013. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. P. 374–377. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Buzdalova A., Shalyto A. A First Step towards the Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithm Adjusted with Reinforcement Learning / Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2013. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. P. 203–208. (PDF)

Arkhipov V., Buzdalov M., Shalyto A. Worst-Case Execution Time Test Generation for Augmenting Path Maximum Flow Algorithms using Genetic Algorithms / Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2013. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. P. 108–111. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Buzdalova A. OneMax Helps Optimizing XdivK: Theoretical Runtime Analysis for RLS and EA+RL / In Proceedings of the sixteenth Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference companion (GECCO'14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 201-202 (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Kononov V., Buzdalov M. Selecting Evolutionary Operators using Reinforcement Learning: Initial Explorations / In Proceedings of the sixteenth Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference companion (GECCO'14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1033-1036 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Petrova I., Buzdalova A. NSGA-II Implementation Details May Influence Quality of Solutions for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem / In Proceedings of the sixteenth Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference companion (GECCO'14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1445-1446 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Kever M., Doerr B. Upper and Lower Bounds on Unrestricted Black-Box Complexity of Jumpn,l / In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (EvoCOP 2015). April 08-10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 209-221. (PDF)

Antipov D., Buzdalov M., Doerr B. Runtime Analysis of (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm Controlled with Q-learning using Greedy Exploration Strategy on OneMax+ZeroMax Problem / In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (EvoCOP 2015). April 08-10, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 160-172. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Yakupov I., Stankevich A. Fast Implementation of the Steady-State NSGA-II Algorithm for Two Dimensions Based on Incremental Non-Dominated Sorting // Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. - 2015. - P. 647-654. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Parfenov V. Various Degrees of Steadiness in NSGA-II and Their Influence on the Quality of Results // Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Companion). - 2015. - P. 749-750. (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Matveeva A., Korneev G. Selection of Auxiliary Objectives with Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning // Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Companion). - 2015. - P. 1177-1180. (PDF)

Mironovich V., Buzdalov M. Hard Test Generation for Maximum Flow Algorithms with the Fast Crossover-Based Evolutionary Algorithm // Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Companion). - 2015. - P. 1229-1232. (PDF)

Petrova I., Buzdalova A. Selection of Auxiliary Objectives in the Travelling Salesman Problem using Reinforcement Learning // Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Companion). - 2015. - P. 1455-1456. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Shalyto A. Worst-Case Execution Time Test Generation for Solutions of the Knapsack Problem using a Genetic Algorithm // BIC-TA (CCIS 0472) 2014 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Knyazev S., Porozov Yu. Protein Conformation Motion Modeling using sep-CMA-ES // ICMLA 2014 (PDF)

Petrova I., Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. Improved Selection of Auxiliary Objectives using Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary Environment // ICMLA 2014 (PDF)

Buzdalov M. A Switch-and-Restart Algorithm with Exponential Restart Strategy for Objective Selection and its Runtime Analysis // ICMLA 2014 (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. A New Algorithm for Adaptive Online Selection of Auxiliary Objectives // ICMLA 2014 (PDF)

Mironovich V., Buzdalov M. Generation of Tests against a Greedy Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem using an Evolutionary Algorithm // MENDEL 2014 (PDF)

Petrova I., Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. Selection of Extra Objectives using Reinforcement Learning in Non-Stationary Environment: Initial Explorations // MENDEL 2014 (PDF)

Kravtsov N., Buzdalov M., Buzdalova A., Shalyto A. Worst-Case Execution Time Test Generation using Genetic Algorithms with Automated Construction and Online Selection of Objectives // MENDEL 2014 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Shalyto A. A Provably Asymptotically Fast Version of the Generalized Jensen Algorithm for Non-Dominated Sorting // PPSN 2014 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Buzdalova A. Analysis of Q-Learning with Random Exploration for the Selection of Auxiliary Objectives in Random Local Search // CEC 2015 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Shalyto A. Hard Test Generation for Augmenting Path Maximum Flow Algorithms using Genetic Algorithms: Revisited // CEC 205 (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Buzdalova A. Can OneMax Help Optimizing LeadingOnes using the EA+RL Method? // CEC 2015 (PDF)

Finite-state machine induction Ulyantsev V., Tsarev F. Extended Finite-State Machine Induction using SAT-Solver / Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2011, Honolulu, HI, USA, 18-21 December 2011. IEEE Computer Society, 2011. Vol. 2. P. 346–349 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V. Learning Finite-State Machines with Ant Colony Optimization // Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012, Volume 7461/2012, pp. 268-275, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-32650-9_27 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V., Tsarev F. Test-Based Extended Finite-State Machines Induction with Evolutionary Algorithms and Ant Colony Optimization / Proceedings of the 2012 GECCO Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation. NY.: ACM. 2012, pp. 603 – 606. (PDF)

Ulyantsev V., Tsarev F. Extended Finite-State Machine Induction using SAT-Solver / Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium “Information Control Problems in Manufacturing - INCOM'12". IFAC, 2012, pp. 512-517 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V., Shalyto A. Solving Five Instances of the Artificial Ant Problem with Ant Colony Optimization / Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 19-21, 2013. P. 1043-1048. (PDF)

Buzhinsky I., Ulyantsev V., Shalyto A. Test-Based Induction of Finite-State Machines with Continuous Output Actions / Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, Saint Petersburg, Russia, June 19-21, 2013. P. 1049-1054. (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V. MuACOsm – A New Mutation-Based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Learning Finite-State Machines / Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2013). July 6–10, 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. P. 511-518. (PDF)

Buzhinsky I., Ulyantsev V., Tsarev F., Shalyto A. Search-Based Construction of Finite-State Machines with Real-Valued Actions: New Representation Model / Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2013) Companion. July 6–10, 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. P. 199-200. (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V. Learning Finite-State Machines with Classical and Mutation-Based Ant Colony Optimization: Experimental Evaluation // In Proceedings of 1st BRICS Countries Congress on Computation Intelligence, 2013. (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V. Learning Finite-State Machines: Conserving Fitness Function Evaluations by Marking Used Transition / Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2013. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. P. 90–95. (PDF)

Buzhinsky I., Ulyantsev V., Chivilikhin D., Shalyto A. Inducing Finite State Machines from Training Samples Using Ant Colony Optimization. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 2014, Vol. 53, No. 2. P. 256-266 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V. Inferring Automata-Based Programs from Specification With Mutation-Based Ant Colony Optimization / In Proceedings of the sixteenth Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference companion (GECCO'14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 67-68 (PDF)

Buzhinsky I., Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V., Tsarev F. Improving the Quality of Supervised Finite-State Machine Construction Using Real-Valued Variables / In Proceedings of the sixteenth Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference companion (GECCO'14), ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1037-1040 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ivanov I., Shalyto A. Inferring Temporal Properties of Finite-State Machine Models with Genetic Programming // Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (Companion). - 2015. - P. 1185-1188. (PDF)

Buzhinsky I., Kazakov S., Ulyantsev V., Tsarev F., Shalyto A. Modification of the Method of Generation of Control Finite State Machines with Continuous Actions Based on Training Examples // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, 2015, vol. 54, no. 6, pp. 853–865 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Ulyantsev V., Shalyto A. Modified Ant Colony Algorithm for Constructing Finite State Machines with Work Scenarios and Temporal Formulas // Automation and Remote Control, 2016, Vol. 77, No. 3, pp. 473–484. (PDF)

Function blocks Buzhinsky I., Ulyantsev V., Veijalainen J., Vyatkin V. Evolutionary Approach to Coverage Testing of IEC 61499 Function Block Applications. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015), Cambridge, UK, July 22–24, 2015, pp. 1213–1218 (PDF)

Buzhinsky I., Pang C., Vyatkin V. Formal Modeling of Testing Software for Cyber-Physical Automation Systems. 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA, Helsinki, Finland, August 20–22, 2015, pp. 301–306 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Shalyto A., Patil S., Vyatkin V. Reconstruction of Function Block Logic using Metaheuristic Algorithm: Initial Explorations / In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN'15), 2015, pp. 1239-1242 (PDF)

Chivilikhin D., Shalyto A., Vyatkin V. Inferring Automata Logic From Manual Control Scenarios: Implementation in Function Blocks / In Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA'15), 2015, pp. 307-312 (PDF)

Dubinin V., Vyatkin V., Shalyto A. Formal modeling and verification of IEC 61499 function blocks on the basis of transition systems / In Proceedings of the 2016 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON), 2016 (PDF)

Cellular automata Naumov L.A., Shalyto A.A. Classification of Structures Generated by One-Dimensional Binary Cellular Automata from a Point Embryo (PDF)

R. Breukelaar, Th. Back. Using a Genetic Algorithm to Evolve Behavior in Multi Dimensional Cellular Automata (PDF)

Automata-based programming technology Paraschenko D., Shalyto A., Tsarev F. Modeling Technology for One Class of Multi-Agent Systems with Automata Based Programming (PDF)

Object-oriented implementation of state-based logic (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Programming with explicit states emphasis Shalyto A.A. Logic Control and "Reactive" Systems: Algorithmization and Programming (PDF)

Object-oriented programming with explicit states emphasis Astafurov A.A., Shalyto A.A. Declarative Approach to Nesting and Inheritance of Automata Classes in Imperative Programming Languages (PDF)

Shopyrin D.G., Shalyto A.A. Graphical Inheritance Notation for State-Based Classes (PDF)

Astafurov A.A., Shalyto A.A. Declarative Approach to Implementing Automata Classes in Imperative Programming Languages (PDF)

Shalyto A., Shamgunov N., Korneev G. State Machine Design Pattern (PDF)

Shopyrin D. Object-oriented implementation of state-based logic (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Tools for automata-based programming Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S., Shalyto A.A. UniMod: Method and Tool for Development of Reactive Object-Oriented Programs with Explicit States Emphasis (PDF)

Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S., Shalyto A.A. Tools for Support of Automata-Based Programming (PDF)

Contents. Programming and Computer Software (external link: www.maik.ru)

Gurov V., Korotkov M., Mazin M. Finite State Machine Based Object-Oriented Applications Development Using UML and Eclipse Platform (PDF)

Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S., Shalyto A.A. Tools for support of automata-based programming (external link: www.springerlink.com)

Ricca F., Leotta M., Reggio G., Tiso A., Guerrini G., Torchiano M. Using UniMod for Maintenance Tasks: An Experimental Assessment in the Context of Model Driven Development (external link: softeng.disi.unige.it)

Automata-based implementation of computational algorithms Translating Iterative Algorithms into Automaton Ones (external link: www.ingentaconnect.com)

Logic control Shalyto A.A. Logic Control and "Reactive" Systems: Algorithmization and Programming //Automation and Remote Control. 2001. N1, pp.1-29. (PDF)

Shalyto A.A., Tukkel N.I., SWITCH-Technology: An Automated Approach to Developing Software for Reactive Systems // Programming and Computer Software, 27(5), 2001. (external link: link.springer.com)

Shalyto A.A. Multifunctional Logic Modules Consisting of Elements with Bilateral Conductance (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Bounds On The Realization Complexity Of Boolean Formulas By Tree Circuits Of Tunable Modules (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Tunable Binary Procedures And Programs With Loops (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. System Of Transformations Certain Representation's Of Boolean Functions (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Generating Boolean Functions Via Arithmetic Polynomials (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Realization Of Systems Of Boolean Functions By Linear Arithmetic Polynomials (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Algorithmic Graph Schemes And Transition Graphs - Their Application In Software Realization Of Logical Control Algorithms. Part II (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Algorithmic Graph Schemes And Transition Graphs - Their Use In Software Realization Of Logical Control Algorithms. Part I (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Logic Control and Reactive Systems - Algorithmization and Programming (PDF)

Shalyto A.A. Software Automation Design: Algorithmization and Programming of Problems of Logical Control // Journal of Computer and System Sciences International, Vol. 39, No. 6, 2000, pp. 899-916. (PDF)

Sagalovich Yu.L., Shalyto A.A. Binary programs and their realization by asynchronous automata. Problems of Information Transmission, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 89-96, 1987. (PDF)

Genetic algorithms and automata Lobanov P.G., Shalyto A.A. Application of Genetic Algorithms for Automatic Construction of Finite-State Automata in the Problem of Flibs (PDF)

Davydov A., Sokolov D., Tsarev F. Application of Genetic Algorithms for Construction of Moore Automaton and Systems of Interacting Mealy Automata in "Artificial Ant" Problem (PDF)

Kulev V.A., Mandrikov E.A. Development of Software System for State Machine Generation Using Genetic Algorithm (PDF)

Davydov A., Sokolov D., Tsarev F. and Shalyto A. Application of Genetic Programming for Generation of Controllers represented by Automata (PDF)

Polikarpova N.I., Tochilin V.N., Shalyto A.A. Method of Reduced Tables for Generation of Automata with a Large Number of Input Variables Based on Genetic Programming (PDF)

Fedor Tsarev and Kirill Egorov. 2011. Finite state machine induction using genetic algorithm based on testing and model checking. In Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '11), Natalio Krasnogor (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 759-762 (PDF)

Anton Alexandrov, Alexey Sergushichev, Sergey Kazakov, and Fedor Tsarev. 2011. Genetic algorithm for induction of finite automata with continuous and discrete output actions. In Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '11), Natalio Krasnogor (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 775-778 (PDF)

Aleksandrov A. V., Kazakov S. V., Sergushichev A. A., Tsarev F. N., Shalyto A. A. // The Use of Evolutionary Programming Based on Training Examples for the Generation of Finite State Machines for Controlling Objects with Complex Behavior // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. Vol. 52, No. 3, 2013. P. 410—425. (PDF)

Genetic algorithms and tests Zakonov A. Stepanov O. Shalyto A. A GA-based approach for test generation for automata-based programs (PDF)

Zakonov A., Stepanov O., Shalyto A. GA-based and Design by Contract Approach to Test Generation for EFSMs (PDF)

Zakonov A., Shalyto A. Design by contract approach to test generation for EFSMs using GA /10th Annual International Software Testing Conference 2010. Software Testing College (PDF)

Maxim Buzdalov. 2011. Generation of tests for programming challenge tasks using evolution algorithms. In Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO '11), Natalio Krasnogor (Ed.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 763-766 (PDF)

Afanasyeva A., Buzdalov M. Optimization with Auxiliary Criteria using Evolutionary Algorithms and Reinforcement Learning / In Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Soft Computing MENDEL 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, June 27-29, 2012. - Pp. 58-63. (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. Increasing Efficiency of Evolutionary Algorithms by Choosing between Auxiliary Fitness Functions with Reinforcement Learning / Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012, Boca Raton, FL. USA, 12-15 December 2012. IEEE Computer Society, 2012. Vol. 1 – Pp. 150–155. (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M. Adaptive Selection of Helper-Objectives with Reinforcement Learning / Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012, Boca Raton, FL. USA, 12-15 December 2012. IEEE Computer Society, 2012. Vol. 2 – Pp. 66–67. (PDF)

Buzdalov M. Generation of Tests for Programming Challenge Tasks on Graph Theory using Evolution Strategy / Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, ICMLA 2012, Boca Raton, FL. USA, 12-15 December 2012. IEEE Computer Society, 2012. Vol. 2 – Pp. 62–65. (PDF)

Buzdalov M., Buzdalova A., Petrova I. Generation of Tests for Programming Challenge Tasks Using Multi-Objective Optimization / Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2013) Companion. July 6–10, 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. P. 1655-1658. (PDF)

Buzdalova A., Buzdalov M., Parfenov V. Generation of Tests for Programming Challenge Tasks using Helper-Objectives // Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Gunther Ruhe, Yuanyan Zhang (eds.) SSBSE 2013. - Heidelberg: Springer, 2013. - Vol. 8084. - P. 300-305. (PDF)

Verification Kuzmin E.V., Sokolov V.A. Modeling, Specification and Verification of Automaton Programs (PDF)

Klebanov A. Automata-Based Programming Technology Extension for Generation of JML Annotated Java Card Code (PDF)

Kurbatsky E. Verification of automata-based programs (PDF)

Kuzmin E.V., Sokolov V.A., Chalyy D.Ju. Application of the Trace Assertion Method to the Specification, Design, and Verification of Automaton Programs (PDF)

Zakonov A., Shalyto A. Automatic Extraction and Verification of State-Models for Web Applications // Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2012. V.133. Part 1, pp. 157 – 160. http://www.springerlink.com/content/n600111522782576/ (PDF)

Lukin M., Buzdalov M., Shalyto A. Formal Verification of 800 Genetically Constructed Automata Programs: A Case Study // HVC 2014 (external link: www.research.ibm.com)

Lukin M., Buzdalov M., Shalyto A. Formal Verification of 800 Genetically Constructed Automata Programs: A Case Study // HVC 2014, LNCS 8855, pp. 165–170, 2014. Springer Switzerland. (PDF)

Automata and parallel computation Commands Transfer Protocol (CTP) - New Networking Protocol for Distributed or Parallel Computations (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Automata-based text programming Krasilnikov N.N., Shalyto A.A. Multi-agency traffic control system. Implementation in Java and textual automata language

Genome Alexandrov A., Kazakov S., Melnikov S., Sergushichev A., Shalyto A., Tsarev F. Combining de Bruijn graph, overlaps graph and microassembly for de novo genome assembly. / Proc. of “Bioinformatics 2012”. – Stockholm, 2012. – P. 72 — http://socbin.org/bioinfo2012/all-abstracts.pdf (PDF)

Kapun E., Tsarev F. De Bruijn Superwalk with Multiplicities Problem is NP-hard / BMC Bioinformatic. 2013, 14 (Suppl. 5. Proceeding of the Third Annual RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel Sequencing (RECOMB-seq 2013)): S7. (PDF)

Software engineering Kogtenkov A., Meyer B., Velder S. Alias calculus, change calculus and frame inference // Science of Computer Programming. 2013. Elsevier. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2013.11.006. 10 p. (PDF)

Furia C., Meyer B., Velder S. Loop Invariants: Analysis, Classification, and Examples // ACM Computing Surveys. 2014. Vol. 46. No. 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2506375. 51 p. (PDF)

Lin H.-Y., Sierla S., Papakonstantinou N., Shalyto A., Vyatkin V. Change request management in model-driven engineering of industrial automation software / 2015 IEEE 13th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), pp. 1186-1191. IEEE. (PDF)

Miscellaneous Shopyrin D. MultiMethods in C++ : Finding a complete solution. (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Gorshkova E.A., Novikov B.A., Belov D.D., Gurov V.S., Spiridonov S.V. A UML-Based Modeling of Web Application Controller (external link: link.springer.com)

Niklaus Wirth – the honorary doctor of Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (PDF)

Shopyrin D. Multimethods Implementation in C++ Using Recursive Deferred Dispatching (external link: csdl2.computer.org)

Shopyrin D.G., Shalyto A.A. A Graphical Notion of State-Based Classes' Inheritance (PDF)

Knyazev E.G. Automated source code changes classification for effective code review and analysis (PDF)

Tiella R., Villafiorita A., Tomasi S. FSMC+, a Tool for the Generation of Java Code from Statecharts (PDF)

Gubin Y., Timofeev K., Shalyto A. Creation of Automation Classes from Graphical Models and Automatic Solutions for Inverse Problem (external link: syrcose.ispras.ru)

Timofeev K., Astafurov A., Shalyto A. Inheritance of Automata Classes Using Dynamic Programming Languages (using Ruby as an Example) (PDF)

Reshetnikov E. Automata-based Programming in Visual Studio 2005: State Machine Designer Tool (PDF)

Mandrikov E., Kulev V. Application of Automata-Based Programming for Construction of Bisiness Processes Management Systems (PDF)

Vladykin A. Declarative Language for SAX Handler Definition (PDF)

Shalyto A., Gubin Yu. Neuro-automata based controlling (external link: ieeexplore.ieee.org)

Automata-Based Programming With Petri Nets – Part 1 (external link: aabs.wordpress.com)

Pang C., Patil S., Yang C., Vyatkin V., Shalyto A. A Portability Study of IEC 61499: Semantiac and Tools / 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2014). July 27-30 2014. Port Alegre, Brazil (PDF)

Abhishek K. Jha, Stanley Ching-Cheng Huang, Alexey Sergushichev, Vicky Lampropoulou, Yulia Ivanova, Ekaterina Loginicheva, Karina Chmielewski, Kelly M. Stewart, Juliet Ashall, Bart Everts, Edward J. Pearce, Edward M. Driggers, Maxim N. Artyomov. Network Integration of Parallel Metabolic and Transcriptional Data Reveals Metabolic Modules that Regulate Macrophage Polarization. Immunity, Volume 42, Issue 3, pp. 419–430, 2015. Cell Press. (external link: www.cell.com)

Gui Ping Wang, Shu Yu Chen, Xin Yang, Rui Feng. OJPOT: online judge & practice oriented teaching idea in programming courses // European Journal of Engineering Education. 2015 (PDF)

Pavlov A., Sokolov B., Pashchenko A., Shalyto A., Maklakov G. Models and methods for multicriteria situational flexible reassignment of control functions in man-machine systems. 2016 IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, pp. 402-408. (PDF)

Paper fragments V.L. Artyukhov, B.P. Kuznetsov, A.A. Shalyto. Tunable Binary Procedures and Programs with Loops. Automation and remote control, Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 112-119, 1984. (PDF)

V.L. Artyukhov, G.A. Kopeikin, A.A. Shalyto. Bounds on the Realization Complexity of Boolean Formulas by Tree Circuits of Tunable Modules. Automation and remote control, Vol. 42, No. 11, pp. 124-130, 1981. (PDF)

V.I. Rubinov, A.A. Shalyto. Design of Flowcharts of Binary Programs for Systems of Boolean Functions Specified by Truth Tables. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 87-92, 1988. (PDF)

V.L. Artyukhov, G.A. Kopeikin, A.A. Shalyto. Estimation of the Logical Efficiency of Integrated Microcircuitry. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 38-40, 1981. (PDF)

V.L. Artyukhov, A.A. Shalyto, O.S. Kuznetsova. Evaluation of the Functional Capabilities of Programmable Logic Arrays. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 58-64, 1985. (PDF)

V.L. Artyukhov, V.N. Kondrat'ev, A.A. Shalyto. Generating Boolean Functions via Arithmetic Polynomials. Automation and Remote Control. Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 138-147, 1988. (PDF)

V.N. Kondrat'ev, A.A. Shalyto. Realization Of Boolean Functions By One Linear Arithmetic Polynomial With Masking (PDF)

V.I. Rubinov, A.A. Shalyto. Method of Constructing Flowcharts of Simple Binary Programs for Systems of Boolean Functions. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 87-92, 1986. (PDF)

B.P. Kuznetsov, A.A. Shalyto. Structural Approach to Software Implementation of Boolean Functions. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 84-88, 1985. (PDF)

B.P. Kuznetsov, A.A. Shalyto. System of Transformations of Certain Representations of Boolean Functions. Automation and Remote Control. Vol. 46, No. 11, pp. 120-127, 1985. (PDF)

Mathematics Aksenov V., Kokhas K. Domino tilings and determinants // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 200, No. 6, pp. 647-653, 2014. (PDF)

Invitations Anatoly Shalyto's invitation to the LATA 2015 conference (PDF)

Anatoly Shalyto's invitation to the INDIN 2015 conference (PDF)

Anatoly Shalyto's invitation to the ISPA 2015 conference (PDF)

Workshops Message from the DIAS 2015 Workshop Chairs (PDF)

An article about Gennady Korotkevich and us in social partnership magazine "Russian Maecenas" (PDF)
