/ Automata-Based Programming
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Automata-Based Programming
“Automata-Based Programming” in Wikipedia (external link: en.wikipedia.org)

International Computer Science Symposium in Russia: CSR 2006. June 8-12, St.Petersburg, Russia (external link: logic.pdmi.ras.ru)

Technology of Automata-Based Programming (external link: www.codeproject.com)

Answers.com Automata-Based Programming (external link: www.answers.com)

22 results for Switch-technology (external link: www.reference.com)

Automata-Based Programming (external link: lambda-the-ultimate.org)

State Chart XML (SCXML): State Machine Notation for Control Abstraction (external link: www.w3.org)

Papers related to code generation from statecharts (external link: www.itu.dk)

Spichakova M. Automata Based Programming (Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology) (external link: s-ma-u-g.googlecode.com)

A.A.Shalyto. Technology of Automata-Based Programming (PDF)

Шалыто А.А. Термин «автоматное программирование» на английском языке

State Machines UML Tutorial: Complex Transitions (PDF)

UML Tutorial: Finite State Machines (PDF)

Suggestions on Pattern Transformation in UML-RT (external link: ieeexplore.ieee.org)

Using UML for Modeling Complex Real-Time System (external link: www.ibm.com)

A UML Profile for Modeling Complex Real-Time Architectures (external link: www.omg.org)

From MSC and UML to SDL (external link: ieeexplore.ieee.org)

Model-Checking Real-Time Control Programs (external link: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu)

Lee D., Yannakakis M. Principles and Methods of Testing Finite State Machines - a Survey (external link: www.cse.ohio-state.edu)

visio2python - Draw your Program (external link: code.google.com)

Miscellaneous Things I Learned in School (external link: acmqueue.com)

Knyazev E.G. Automated source code changes classification for effective code review and analysis (PDF)

Hoffman L. In Search of Dependable Design (PDF)

Hoffman L. Q&A Talking Model-Checking Technology (PDF)
