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    / Visualizers / Development of Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm visualizer based on Vizi technology (версия для печати)

Development of Strassen matrix multiplication algorithm visualizer based on Vizi technology

© A. N. Kotov, A. A. Shalyto

Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Project documentation in Russian (PDF)
Source code

Visualizer (English, online)


Visualizer is a program, that gives an easy and accessible way to study an algorithm by demonstrating its work on a test data set.

In the Computer technologies department of SPbSU ITMO has been developed Vizi technology for the purpose of automatic creation of algorithms visualizers. In this work usability of Vizi technology has been demonstrated by development of visualizer for Strassen algorithm of matrix multiplication. The logics of algorithm is implemented using two automatons («straight» and «back»). The summary quantity of states is 17.

Vizi technology has essentially improved the development of visualizers, both for simple and complex for visualizing, of algorithms. Mostly, it is achieved due to the partial automation of the development process of automata logic of a visualizer based on procedural algorithm. It does not only eliminate the necessity to define manually heuristically the steps of algorithm important for visualization, but also allows to build automatically code required to make forward and backward steps in algorithm. Besides the possibility to programme visualizing part easily is provided, dividing the logic of algorithm as well the way of visualization and data model.

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