/ UniMod
(версия для печати)

Executable UML, UniMod, SWITCH-Technology (external link: en.wikipedia.org)

Many thanks for UniMod

UniMod: Open Source State Machine Framework Released (external link: www.theserverside.com)

UniMod at SourceForge (external link: unimod.sourceforge.net)

Shows you how to get started building final state machine based applications using the UniMod plug-in for Eclipse (external link: unimod.sourceforge.net)

Shows how to debug state machine using UniMod plug-in for Eclipse (external link: unimod.sourceforge.net)

Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S., Shalyto A.A. UniMod: Method and Tool for Development of Reactive Object-Oriented Programs with Explicit States Emphasis (PDF)

UniMod User Reports (PDF)

UniMod — plugin for Eclipse (external link: unimod.sourceforge.net)

Wikipedia and UniMod (external link: en.wikipedia.org)

UniMod: Method and Tool for Development of Reactive Object-Oriented Programs with Explicit States Emphasis (external link: www.citeulike.org)

CiteULike: UniMod: Method and Tool for Development of Reactive Object-Oriented Programs with Explicit States Emphasis (external link: www.citeulike.org)

The Torino Polytechnical University paid attention to UniMod as a promising project (PDF)

CiteULike: Shalyto (external link: www.citeulike.org)

UniMod | Eclipse for you (external link: www.eclipse4you.com)

Open Source UML & Modeling in Java - UniMod (external link: java-source.net)

UniMod – Executable UML (external link: www.open-open.com)

Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S., Shalyto A.A. Tools for Support of Automata-Based Programming (external link: www.springerlink.com)

The UniMod tool developed by us is used for teaching bachelor students in Italy. It is also expected to be applied in master and PhD study programs. Ricca F., Leotta M., Reggio G., Tiso A., Guerrini G., Torchiano M. Using UniMod for Maintenance Tasks: An Experimental Assessment in the Context of Model Driven Development (external link: softeng.disi.unige.it)
