© I. S. Goonich, A. V. Irinev, A. A. Shalyto
Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Project documentation (in Russian)
Source code
Executable program
The aim of the project is modelling of the abstract microcosm which is occupied by vital forms with elementary behaviour. Evolution is reached by using of genetic algorithm and the automatic approach. The idea of the algorithm was taken from A.K.Djudni's original article "Modelling of evolution: small insects study in hunting for bacteria". Foregoing automatic approach is used for microorganisms behaviour modelling. This technology is provided by instrumental tool UniMod.
To run the application you need to download archive with the executable files, unpack it and run the application using start.bat command file. You must have Java 1.5 or above installed in order to run this application.