ITMO University | ||||
/ UniMod Projects / Cash machine model
(версия для печати)
Cash machine model© 2006, V.A. Kozlov, O.A.Komaleva Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Project documentation (russian, PDF) AnnotationCash machine is an device used by bank for money payments and money orders automatizing. Correctness of each operation should be also verified by this unit. User can make various operations with his account using this device. For example he can get to know balance or take his money. For this purpose he has to insert card and enter pin-code. This project emulates real cash mashine. There is server and client parts of system. Client part reads user requests and sends them to server. Server part verifies queries received and executes them in case of their correctness. Client-server connection is imlemented using RMI-technology. To start the project try run Server\runServer.bat and then Client\runClient.bat. Project was written on Java programming language in IDE Eclipse using UniMod tool. | ||||