/ UniMod Projects / Modelling of the Car Auto Gear
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Modelling of the Car Auto Gear
© 2006 y. A.A. Vokin, I.A. Pimenov, A.A. Shalyto
Saint-Petersburg state university information technology, mechanics and optics
Here you can download full documentation in pdf format(346 KB)
Here you can get application in zip file (332 KB)
Projects sources in zip file (24 KB)
This project's aim is to imitate work of auto gear in simple user iterations, based on SWITCH-technology. Preference of this thechnology is in its nature for such tasks.
The job, was done, shows effectivnes of using automatas when you have to solve problem of creating object-related system.
Programm is created using Eclipse 3.1 IDE with UniMod plugin, that is usefull (and at the moment the only one) tool to develop projects under SWITCH-technology.