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    / Projects / The Problem by D.Mayhill. "Synchronization of the chain of Riflemans". Version 2 (версия для печати)

The Problem by D.Mayhill. "Synchronization of the chain of Riflemans". Version 2

(C) 2003. M.I.Guisov, A.B.Kuznetsov, A.A.Shalyto

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)

From here it is possible to download the full text of documentation in a PDF-format (140 Kb)
Here is application (20 Kb)
Source texts (45 Kb)


This publication demonstrates effectiveness of application object-oriented programming with evident state allocation, which uses both object-oriented and automation programming styles [1]. In publication [2] the template was proposed for realization of automates that evoke consecutive. Though, it is not applicable for many different tasks with parallel processes, mainly because of an absence of the second state variable. For elimination of this defect we've used following approaches [3]:

  • Using two state variables for each automate.
  • Pounding the working cycle of each automate on three stages - move selection on automate graf, making the most prioritized move and updating the state variables value. Every stage mentioned above performs simultaneously for all automates.

During program creation the message exchange mechanism was used for simplification of interaction of parallel-working automates. Mechanism was implemented under another project in "swmem" library [3].

For the example clearness the D.Mayhill problem (1947) was selected [4]. It's main goal is the riflemans chain synchronization.

The example examined under this project displayed the effectiveness of using mentioned above approaches for implementation of parallel systems. It is important to note, that using built in logging system allows visualization of program operation. It considerably lightens programs debug and, in the end, demonstrates in obvious way accuracy of the program activity.


  1. Shalyto A.A., Tukkel N.I. Tanks and automates //BYTE/Russia. 2003. N2.
  2. Shalyto A.A., Tukkel N.I. SWITCH-technology - automate approach to the "reactive" systems creation //Programming. 2001. N5.
  3. Guisov M.I.,Kuznetsov A.B., Shalyto A.A. Message Exchange mechanism integration in SWITCH-technology. SPbIFMO, 2003,, section "Projects"
  4. Goto E. A Minimum Time Solution of the Firing Squad Problem //Dittoed Course Notes for Applied Mathematics. Harvard Univ., 1962.

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