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    / Projects / Control system of character in multiuser roling play game (версия для печати)

Control system of character in multiuser roling play game

© D.S. Abdrashitov

Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Project documentation (in Russian)
Executable program
Source code


The purpose of the present work consists in development of a bot for the text multiuser game Aladon, which is capable without participation to pass the first levels of game. In work application of technology of automatic programming for creation of an artificial intellect is considered.

Use of the automatic approach has allowed to describe formally logic of game with complex system of rules, and to build an artificial intellect which in most cases does not concede natural. The program constructed on automatons, turns out easy for updating. Presence of the design and programing documentation allows to understand the structure of the robot easier.

The program is written in object-oriented language - java. To start the demonstration program in a local mode it is necessary to start a local server, and then the one-user demonstration program. To start in the multiuser mode it is necessary to execute the adjustments described in the documentation. The local server is started by a file startserver.bat, the one-user demonstration program - a file startbot.bat, multiuser - a file realbot.bat.

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