/ Projects / Push-button telephone modeling using SWITCH-technology. Variant 2
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Push-button telephone modeling using SWITCH-technology. Variant 2
© S.Y. Kanzhelev, A.A. Shalyto
Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Project documentation (in Russian)
Executable program
Source code
Applet (online)
Current work, as work [1], using SWITCH-technolody, implements the model of
push-button telephone and the automatic telephone station (ATS)
Differences with the program [1] are:
implemented new telephone's functions - the posibility to accept calls and to
enter the telephone number after the receiver was lifted out;
new method of cooperation of automatas, which implements telephone and ATS.
This method was called "postponed automata call". In differences with
method, described in [2], it allows:
to move out the reenterability of automata's functions;
to realize the parallel work of automatas in the different threads;
to process external events, arriving from parallel threads, after their
preliminarily saving in the queue
Method keep graph notation, proposed in [3] and using in the work [1].
Postponed automata call have following features:
Project implemented on Java language.
inner and outer automata states are not differs;
all events moves to the queue for each automata and process consecutive;
automatas self calling is possible.
Project was tested using automatically generated log-files and automatas graph's
Miasnikov A.I. Push-button
telephone modeling using SWITCH-technology.http://is.ifmo.ru/
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Realization in Programming of Event Systems // Programmist (Programmer). 2002.
Shalyto A.A., Tukkel' N.I.
SWITCH-technology - An Automated Approach to Developing Software for Reactive
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Guisov M.I.,Kuznetsov A.B.,
Shalyto A.A. Message Exchange mechanism integration in SWITCH-technology.
SPbIFMO, 2003, http://is.ifmo.ru, section "Projects".
M.I., Kuznetsov A.B., Shalyto A.A.
Michaila problem "Riflemen chain sinchronisation". Variant 2.
http://is.ifmo.ru, Section "Projects".