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    / Projects / Object-oriented modification of the automata approach (by the example of models animation) (версия для печати)

Object-oriented modification of the automata approach (by the example of models animation)

(C) 2004 year P.I. Feldman, A.A. Shalyto

The St.-Petersburg state university of information technologies, mechanics and optics

From here it is possible to download the full text of the documentation in a format pdf (500 KB)
From here it is possible to download the application (105 KB)
From here it is possible to download the source code (19 KB)

The summary

Now exists some the various technologies, allowing to describe and create final automatic devices, in particular, SWITCH-technology with which it is possible to familiarize on sites and Distinctive feature of technology is isomorphism the state transition graph, included in the project documentation, with a code realizing the finite automata in the program.

In the given work this technology has been taken for a basis and modified with the purpose of the further development of sharing of automatic and object-oriented approaches. The set of the classes incorporated into library "Auto-Lib " which allows to describe finite automatas on "classical" SWITCH-technology has been developed. It provides an opportunity of "transparent logging" - in the mainframe of the automata is has no line of a code specifying logging. Work on logging is incured with the specified set of classes that allows to raise centralization of logic of work of system and to separate it from concrete realization. Besides this set allows to apply such flexible way of a reuse of a code, as inheritance of automatas that enables to redefine reactions of automatas to events. The example of use of library is resulted. Further perfection of library is supposed regarding:

  • increase of speed;
  • improvement of the interface;
  • opportunity of plural inheritance of automatas;
  • processing of exceptions, for example, interception of exception and transfer to the automata of special event.

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