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    / Projects / Method of elimination of repeated fragments of a code at realization of finite automata (версия для печати)

Method of elimination of repeated fragments of a code at realization of finite automata

(C) 2003 E.A.Zayakin, A.A.Shalyto

Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)

From here it is possible to download the full text of documentation in Russian in a PDF-format (286 Kb)
Here is application (256 Kb)
Source texts (7 Kb)


The SWITCH-technology intended for algorithmization of problems of management, is based on graphs of transitions of finite automata.

Within the framework of this technology of graphs of transitions it is displayed formally and isomorphically in the text of the program. However isomorphism is broken at allocation in the graph of transitions even one group of the conditions possessing identical transitions as thus on the column identical arches are replaced with one arch, but in the text of the program each of them is realized separately.

Therefore the first problem considered in the present work, maintenance of isomorphism and in this case is. Though the specified problem can be solved in procedure-oriented way, in the present work for this purpose the object-oriented approach is used.

Other problem of elimination of repeated fragments of a code will be, that if in SWITCH-technology the identical target actions marking arches included in node, were transferred to mode and referred to as "Actions in node" in the present work, alongside with such optimization named "Actions at an input in node", it is offered to apply also other kind of optimization - "Actions at an output from node" which replaces the identical target actions which are carried out on starting with this node.

One more kind of optimization is connected to removal identical "Actions at an input in node" from all tops of group if such actions are available. It is similarly possible to act and with "Actions at an output from node".

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