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    / Projects / Universal infra-red remote control for domestic technics (версия для печати)

Universal infra-red remote control for domestic technics

© 2005 S. E. Velder, Y. D. Bedny

Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

Project documentation (in Russian)
Executable program
Source code


For algorithmization and programming the emulator for IR remote control for domestic technics the authors used the SWITCH-technology that develops with reference to development of the software of event systems and devices (

In the present work the authors used the automatic style of programming. Such approach was named "programming with evident state extraction".

The technology is demonstrated using the example of creating electronic infra-red remote control realizing these functions:

  • storing IR signal from an external device, decoding it, converting to bit sequence and associating one of the keyboard buttons to it;
  • sending IR signal if the button associated to it is pressed;
  • displaying the operating mode on the LCD;
  • switching between different keyboard layouts.

The present work contains the documentation including technical description, connections diagram and transition graph of the automaton on which the source of the program is written formally and isomorphically.

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