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    / Projects / Bank security system (версия для печати)

Bank security system

(C) 2003 D.V. Vasilenko, R.Z. Zakirov, A.A.Shalyto

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)

From here it is possible to download the full text of documentation in a PDF-format (815 Kb)
Here are source and application (100 Kb)


A.A.Shalyto suggested the SWITCH-technology for algorithmization and programming of tasks of logic control. He advanced this technology together with N.I.Tukkel with reference to event and object-oriented programs. The particular technology and concrete examples can be found on sites and in details.

This technology is convenient not only for tasks of control of technical objects, but even for tasks of control of group of technical objects such as, for example, Bank Security System.

The purpose of work is a creation of the program of control of Bank Security System. In particular paper six-storey building of bank is examined, lodgments of which need their own security subsystems, which are included in common security system. In this example, few extraordinary incidents are examined, in case of which different protection for the same lodgment should be activated.

During realization, configuration XML file was written, that helps to edit system parameters easily. XML files are also used for scenario creation. Every scenario is a dynamic pattern of incidents. The program on Java language simulates march of events in real time as it was written in the scenario. In output file, the actions of the system step by step can be found and logical system actions can be restored.

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