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Shalyto A.A. Publications
- Artyukhov V.L., Kopeikin G.A., Shalyto A.A. Estimation of the
Logical Efficiency of Integrated Microcircuitry //Automatic
Control and Computer Sciences. 1981. Vol.22. N1, p.32-34.
Information about magazine «Automatic Control and Computer
Sciences» on www.edi.lv.
- Artyukhov V.L., Kopeikin G.A., Shalyto A.A. Bounds on the
Realization Complexity of Boolean Formulas by Tree Circuits of
Tunable Modyles //Automation and Remote Control. 1982. Vol.42.
N11, p.1532-1537.
Information about magazine «Automation and Remote Control»
on www.maik.ru, www.wkap.nl.
- Artyukhov V.L., Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. Tunable Binary
Procedures and Programs with Loops //Automation and Remote
Control. 1984. Vol.45. N11, p.1481-1488.
- Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. Structural Approach to Software
Implementation of Boolean Functions //Automatic Control and
Computer Sciences. 1985. Vol.26. N5, p.80-83.
- Artyukhov V.L., Shalyto A.A., Kuznetsova O.S. Evaluation of the
Functional Capabilities of Programmable Logical Arrays //Automatic
Control and Computer Sciences. 1985. Vol.26. N2, p.69-73.
- Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. System of Transformations of Certain
Representations of Boolean Functions //Automation and Remote
Control. 1985. Vol.46. N11, p.1450-1457.
- Rubinov V.I., Shalyto A.A. Method of Constructing Flowcharts
of Simple Binary Programs for Systems of Boolean Functions
//Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1986. Vol.27. N4,
- Sagalovich Yu., Shalyto A.A. Binary Programs and Ther Realization
by Asynchronous Automata //Problems of Information Transmission,
1987. N1, p.74-80. Information about magazine «Problems of
Information Transmission» on www.maik.ru, www.wkap.nl.
- Rubinov V.I., Shalyto A.A. Design of Flowcharts of Binary
Programs for Systems of Boolean Functions Specified by Truth
Tables //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1988. Vol.29.
N1, p.79-83.
- Artyukhov V.L., Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto A.A. Generating Boolean
Functions Via Arithmetic Polinomials //Automation and Remote
Control. 1988. Vol.49. N4, p.508-515.
- Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto A.A. Realization of Systems of Boolean
Functions by Liner Arithmetic Polinomials //Automation and Remote
Control. 1993. Vol.54. N3, p.472-488.
- Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by
Linear Binary Grafs. I. Synthesize and Analysis //Journal of
Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1994. Vol.33. N5.
Information about magazine «Journal of Computer and Systems
Sciences International» on www.maik.ru.
- Shalyto A.A. Cognitive Properties of Hierarchical
Representations of Complex Logical Structures //Proceeding of
the 1995 International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC).
Work-shop. 1995. Monterey. California.
- Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by
Linear Binary Grafs. II. Estimations of Number and Total Length
of Paths //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International.
1995. Vol.34. N3.
- Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by
Linear Binary Grafs. III. Optimization of Number and Total Length
of Paths //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International.
1995. Vol.34. N5.
- Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto A.A. Realization of Boolean Functions by
One Liner Arithmetic Polinomial with Masking //Automation and
Remote Control. 1996. Vol.57. N1, p.127-137.
- Shalyto A.A. Algorithmic Graph Schemes and Transition Graphs:
Their Use in Software Realization of Logical Control Algorithms.
I. //Automation and Remote Control. 1996. Vol.57. N6, p.890-897.
- Shalyto A.A. Algorithmic Graph Schemes and Transition Graphs:
Their Use in Software Realization of Logical Control Algorithms.
II. //Automation and Remote Control. 1996. Vol.57. N7, p.1027-
- Artyukhov V.L., Shalyto A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by
Uniform Multiplexor and Majority Cascades //Journal of Computer
and Systems Sciences International. 1996. Vol.35. N5, p.805-815.
- Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto A.A. Implementation of Systems of
Boolean Functions by Linear Arithmetic Polinomials with Masking
//Automation and Remote Control. 1997. Vol.58. N3.
- Shalyto A.A. Modules with Paraphase the Input Variables That ave
Universal in Class of All Boolean Functions //Journal of Computer
and Systems Sciences International. 1997. Vol.36. N5, p.794-801.
- Kuznetsov B.P., Shalyto A.A. The Method of Independent Fragments
for Constraction of Linearized Structured Graf-Charts of
Algorithm that Implement Systems of Boolean Formulas //Automation
and Remote Control. 1998. Vol.59. N9.
- Kiselev V.V., Shalyto A.A. Study of Transidents in One-Contour
Logical Circuits //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences
International. 1999. Vol.38. N5.
- Shalyto A.A. Software Automation Design: Algorithmization and
Programming of Problems of Logical Control //Journal of Computer
and Systems Sciences International. 2000. Vol.39. N6, p.899-916.
- Shalyto A.A. Modules which Are Universal in the Class of
Self-Dual Functions and in Close Classes //Journal of Computer
and Systems Sciences International. 2001. Vol.40. N5, p.782-792.
- Shalyto A.A. Logic Control and «Reactive» Systems:
Algorithmization and Programming //Automation and Remote Control.
2001. Vol.62. N1, p.1-29. Text on www.maik.ru, www.wkap.nl,
- Shalyto A.A., Tukkel N.I. SWITCH-Technology: An Automated
Approach to Developing Software for Reactive Systems
//Programming and Computer Software. 2001. 27(5).
Information about magazine «Programming and Computer Software»
on www.maik.ru, www.wkap.nl.
- Shalyto A.A., Tukkel N.I. Translating Iterative Algorithms into
Automation Ones //Programming and Computer Software. 2002. 28(5).
- Shalyto A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas and Boolean Functions
by Homogeneous Structures //Journal of Computer and Systems
Sciences International. 2002. Vol.41. N2, p.264-273.
- Shalyto A.A. Multiplexor Method for Realization of Boolean
Functions by Circuits Composed of Arbitrary Logical Elements
//Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2003.
Vol.42. N1, p.101-105.
- Shalyto A., Naumov L. Automata Theory for Multi-Agent Systems
Implementation //Proceedings of International Conference
«Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems:
Modeling, Exploration and Engineering». KIMAS-03.Boston:
IEEE Boston Section. p.65-70.
- Shalyto A.A. Decomposition of Boolean Functions with Respect
to the Right-Most Input Variables of Truth Tables //Journal of
Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2003. Vol.42. N4,
- Shalyto A., Naumov L. Automata Programming as a Sort of
Synchronous Programming //Proceedings of East-West Design & Test
Conference (EWDTW-2003), Yalta, Ukraine, 2003, pp.140-143.
- Shalyto A. Techology of Automata-Based Programming. http://
is.ifmo.ru; http://codeproject.com.
- Shalyto A., Naumov L. New Initiative in Programming.
Foundation for Open Project Documentation //Proceedings of
East-West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW-2004), Yalta, Ukraine,
2004, pp.64-69. Version of this articale was published in
www.linuxsummit.org; http://codeproject.com
- Shalyto A.A. Methods for Constructing Multifunctional Logic
Modules //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International.
2004. Vol.43. N6, p.923-935.
- Naumov L., Korneev G., Shalyto A. Methods of Object-Oriented Reactive Agents Implementation on the Basis of Finite Automata
/2005 International Conference on "Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling, Exploration and Engineering". KIMAS-05. Boston: IEEE Boston Section.
2005, pp.460-465.
- Yartsev B., Korneev G., Kotov V., Shalyto A. Automata-Based Programming of the Reactive Multi-Agent Control Systems /2005 International Conference on
"Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling, Exploration and Engineering". KIMAS-05. Boston: IEEE Boston Section. 2005,
- Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S, Shalyto A.A. UniMod: Method and Development of Reactive Object-Oriented Programs with Explicit States Emphasis
/Proceedings 2005 of St. Petersburg IEEE Chapters. International Conference "110 Anniversary of Radio Invention". SPb ETU "LETI". 2005, pp.106-110.
- Naumov L.A., Shalyto A.A. Classification of Structures Generated by One-Dimensioal Binary Cellular Automata from a Roint Embro
//Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2005. Vol.44. N5, pp. 800-807.
- Shalyto A.A. Multifunctional Logic Modules Consisting of Elements with Bilateral Conducductance
//Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2006. Vol.45. N1, pp.73-76.