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    / Home / Shalyto  A.A. Publications (версия для печати)

Shalyto  A.A. Publications

  1. Artyukhov  V.L., Kopeikin  G.A., Shalyto  A.A. Estimation of the Logical Efficiency of Integrated Microcircuitry //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1981. Vol.22. N1, p.32-34. Information about magazine «Automatic Control and Computer Sciences» on
  2. Artyukhov  V.L., Kopeikin  G.A., Shalyto  A.A. Bounds on the Realization Complexity of Boolean Formulas by Tree Circuits of Tunable Modyles //Automation and Remote Control. 1982. Vol.42. N11, p.1532-1537. Information about magazine «Automation and Remote Control» on,
  3. Artyukhov  V.L., Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. Tunable Binary Procedures and Programs with Loops //Automation and Remote Control. 1984. Vol.45. N11, p.1481-1488.
  4. Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. Structural Approach to Software Implementation of Boolean Functions //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1985. Vol.26. N5, p.80-83.
  5. Artyukhov  V.L., Shalyto  A.A., Kuznetsova  O.S. Evaluation of the Functional Capabilities of Programmable Logical Arrays //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1985. Vol.26. N2, p.69-73.
  6. Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. System of Transformations of Certain Representations of Boolean Functions //Automation and Remote Control. 1985. Vol.46. N11, p.1450-1457.
  7. Rubinov  V.I., Shalyto  A.A. Method of Constructing Flowcharts of Simple Binary Programs for Systems of Boolean Functions //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1986. Vol.27. N4, p.82-87.
  8. Sagalovich Yu., Shalyto  A.A. Binary Programs and Ther Realization by Asynchronous Automata //Problems of Information Transmission, 1987. N1, p.74-80. Information about magazine «Problems of Information Transmission» on,
  9. Rubinov  V.I., Shalyto  A.A. Design of Flowcharts of Binary Programs for Systems of Boolean Functions Specified by Truth Tables //Automatic Control and Computer Sciences. 1988. Vol.29. N1, p.79-83.
  10. Artyukhov  V.L., Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto  A.A. Generating Boolean Functions Via Arithmetic Polinomials //Automation and Remote Control. 1988. Vol.49. N4, p.508-515.
  11. Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Systems of Boolean Functions by Liner Arithmetic Polinomials //Automation and Remote Control. 1993. Vol.54. N3, p.472-488.
  12. Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by Linear Binary Grafs. I. Synthesize and Analysis //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1994. Vol.33. N5. Information about magazine «Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International» on
  13. Shalyto  A.A. Cognitive Properties of Hierarchical Representations of Complex Logical Structures //Proceeding of the 1995 International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC). Work-shop. 1995. Monterey. California.
  14. Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by Linear Binary Grafs. II. Estimations of Number and Total Length of Paths //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1995. Vol.34. N3.
  15. Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by Linear Binary Grafs. III. Optimization of Number and Total Length of Paths //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1995. Vol.34. N5.
  16. Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Boolean Functions by One Liner Arithmetic Polinomial with Masking //Automation and Remote Control. 1996. Vol.57. N1, p.127-137.
  17. Shalyto  A.A. Algorithmic Graph Schemes and Transition Graphs: Their Use in Software Realization of Logical Control Algorithms. I. //Automation and Remote Control. 1996. Vol.57. N6, p.890-897.
  18. Shalyto  A.A. Algorithmic Graph Schemes and Transition Graphs: Their Use in Software Realization of Logical Control Algorithms. II. //Automation and Remote Control. 1996. Vol.57. N7, p.1027- 1045.
  19. Artyukhov  V.L., Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas by Uniform Multiplexor and Majority Cascades //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1996. Vol.35. N5, p.805-815.
  20. Kondrat`ev V.N., Shalyto  A.A. Implementation of Systems of Boolean Functions by Linear Arithmetic Polinomials with Masking //Automation and Remote Control. 1997. Vol.58. N3.
  21. Shalyto  A.A. Modules with Paraphase the Input Variables That ave Universal in Class of All Boolean Functions //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1997. Vol.36. N5, p.794-801.
  22. Kuznetsov  B.P., Shalyto  A.A. The Method of Independent Fragments for Constraction of Linearized Structured Graf-Charts of Algorithm that Implement Systems of Boolean Formulas //Automation and Remote Control. 1998. Vol.59. N9.
  23. Kiselev  V.V., Shalyto  A.A. Study of Transidents in One-Contour Logical Circuits //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 1999. Vol.38. N5.
  24. Shalyto  A.A. Software Automation Design: Algorithmization and Programming of Problems of Logical Control //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2000. Vol.39. N6, p.899-916.
  25. Shalyto  A.A. Modules which Are Universal in the Class of Self-Dual Functions and in Close Classes //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2001. Vol.40. N5, p.782-792.
  26. Shalyto  A.A. Logic Control and «Reactive» Systems: Algorithmization and Programming //Automation and Remote Control. 2001. Vol.62. N1, p.1-29. Text on,,
  27. Shalyto  A.A., Tukkel  N.I. SWITCH-Technology: An Automated Approach to Developing Software for Reactive Systems //Programming and Computer Software. 2001. 27(5). Information about magazine «Programming and Computer Software» on,
  28. Shalyto  A.A., Tukkel  N.I. Translating Iterative Algorithms into Automation Ones //Programming and Computer Software. 2002. 28(5).
  29. Shalyto  A.A. Realization of Boolean Formulas and Boolean Functions by Homogeneous Structures //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2002. Vol.41. N2, p.264-273.
  30. Shalyto  A.A. Multiplexor Method for Realization of Boolean Functions by Circuits Composed of Arbitrary Logical Elements //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2003. Vol.42. N1, p.101-105.
  31. Shalyto  A., Naumov  L. Automata Theory for Multi-Agent Systems Implementation //Proceedings of International Conference «Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling, Exploration and Engineering». KIMAS-03.Boston: IEEE Boston Section. p.65-70.
  32. Shalyto  A.A. Decomposition of Boolean Functions with Respect to the Right-Most Input Variables of Truth Tables //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2003. Vol.42. N4, p.555-561.
  33. Shalyto  A., Naumov  L. Automata Programming as a Sort of Synchronous Programming //Proceedings of East-West Design & Test Conference (EWDTW-2003), Yalta, Ukraine, 2003, pp.140-143.
  34. Shalyto  A. Techology of Automata-Based Programming. http://;
  35. Shalyto  A., Naumov  L. New Initiative in Programming. Foundation for Open Project Documentation //Proceedings of East-West Design & Test Workshop (EWDTW-2004), Yalta, Ukraine, 2004, pp.64-69. Version of this articale was published in;
  36. Shalyto  A.A. Methods for Constructing Multifunctional Logic Modules //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2004. Vol.43. N6, p.923-935.
  37. Naumov L., Korneev G., Shalyto A. Methods of Object-Oriented Reactive Agents Implementation on the Basis of Finite Automata /2005 International Conference on "Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling, Exploration and Engineering". KIMAS-05. Boston: IEEE Boston Section. 2005, pp.460-465.
  38. Yartsev B., Korneev G., Kotov V., Shalyto A. Automata-Based Programming of the Reactive Multi-Agent Control Systems /2005 International Conference on "Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems: Modeling, Exploration and Engineering". KIMAS-05. Boston: IEEE Boston Section. 2005, pp.449-453.
  39. Gurov V.S., Mazin M.A., Narvsky A.S, Shalyto A.A. UniMod: Method and Development of Reactive Object-Oriented Programs with Explicit States Emphasis /Proceedings 2005 of St. Petersburg IEEE Chapters. International Conference "110 Anniversary of Radio Invention". SPb ETU "LETI". 2005, pp.106-110.
  40. Naumov L.A., Shalyto A.A. Classification of Structures Generated by One-Dimensioal Binary Cellular Automata from a Roint Embro //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2005. Vol.44. N5, pp. 800-807.
  41. Shalyto A.A. Multifunctional Logic Modules Consisting of Elements with Bilateral Conducductance //Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2006. Vol.45. N1, pp.73-76.

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