XML - description of multimedia application\'s visual view based on using construction of automatons

(C) 2003 K.A.Bondarenko, A.A.Shalyto

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics (Technical University)

It is possible to download the full text of documentation in Russian in a PDF-format here (265 Kb)
You may download Crystal Player at www.crystalplayer.com


For the algorithmization and programming of logical control problems A. A. Shalyto offered SWITCH-technology. You may acquaint with it in english in projects

SWITCH-technology is handly not only for solving logical control problems but for description of the visual view of the dynamical applications, web pages without any executable programming code at all. Standard point of view is to apply additional insertions of executable code (scripts). That's why authors have to be programmers and they should look into sets of variables and junctions. It drives to loss of time and energy. This article offers to refuse scripts.

As known the man imagines the view of the object in abstractive form. And if the object is dynamical we mark out separated logical states of it but not the algorithm for building visual view in competent time moment.

We'll consider alternative point of view. It should allows people to develop view of Windows-applications. We'll consider it on specific sample. For being brief let's name visual view of the application by word "skin".

This Technology is implemented in Real Multimedia Application named Crystal Player. You may download it at www.crystalplayer.com